Results for 'Richard E. Young'

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  1.  23
    Ordinal position effects with a two-dimensional stimulus array.Robert K. Young & Richard E. Buck - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (1):161.
  2.  37
    Verbal reports about causal influences on social judgments: Private access versus public theories.Richard E. Nisbett & Nancy Bellows - 1977 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 35 (9):613-624.
    128 female Ss were asked to make 4 judgments about a young woman after reading her "job application portfolio." Five characteristics of the young woman were manipulated orthogonally. Ss were asked to report how each of the 5 manipulated factors had influenced each of their judgments. "Observer Ss," who had access only to very impoverished descriptions of each of the 5 factors, were asked to predict how each of the factors would influence each of the judgments. Results show (...)
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  3.  18
    Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader.Wayne C. Booth, Dudley Barlow, Orson Scott Card, Anthony Cunningham, John Gardner, Marshall Gregory, John J. Han, Jack Harrell, Richard E. Hart, Barbara A. Heavilin, Marianne Jennings, Charles Johnson, Bernard Malamud, Toni Morrison, Georgia A. Newman, Joyce Carol Oates, Jay Parini, David Parker, James Phelan, Richard A. Posner, Mary R. Reichardt, Nina Rosenstand, Stephen L. Tanner, John Updike, John H. Wallace, Abraham B. Yehoshua & Bruce Young (eds.) - 2005 - Sheed & Ward.
    Do the rich descriptions and narrative shapings of literature provide a valuable resource for readers, writers, philosophers, and everyday people to imagine and confront the ultimate questions of life? Do the human activities of storytelling and complex moral decision-making have a deep connection? What are the moral responsibilities of the artist, critic, and reader? What can religious perspectives—from Catholic to Protestant to Mormon—contribute to literary criticism? Thirty well known contributors reflect on these questions, including iterary theorists Marshall Gregory, James Phelan, (...)
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    Gadamer in Conversation.Richard E. Palmer (ed.) - 2001 - Yale University Press.
    This volume presents six lively conversations with Hans-Georg Gadamer, one of the twentieth century’s master philosophers. Looking back over his life and thought, Gadamer takes up key issues in his philosophy, addresses points of controversy, and replies to his critics, including those who accuse him of having been in complicity with the Nazis. A genial and direct conversationalist, Gadamer is here captured at his best and most accessible. The interviews took place between 1989 and 1996, and all but one appear (...)
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  5. Mind-on-the-drive: real-time functional neuroimaging of cognitive brain mechanisms underlying driver performance and distraction.Richard A. Young, Li Hsieh, Francis X. Graydon, I. I. Richard Genik, Mark D. Benton, Christopher C. Green, Susan M. Bowyer, John E. Moran & Norman Tepley - manuscript
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  6. Worlds or words apart? The consequences of pragmatism for literary studies: An interview with Richard Rorty.Richard Rorty & E. P. Ragg - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):369-396.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 369-396 [Access article in PDF] Worlds or Words Apart?The Consequences of Pragmatism for Literary Studies:An Interview with Richard Rorty Richard Rorty, with E. P. Ragg ER: I WANTED TO ASK YOU first about holism. Clearly holism doesn't just mean being interdisciplinary. Nor, as you argue in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, is it merely a question of antifoundationalist polemic. Rather, you (...)
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  7.  20
    Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics.John E. Alvis, Glenn C. Arbery, David N. Beauregard, Paul A. Cantor, John Freeh, Richard Harp, Peter Augustine Lawler, Mary P. Nichols, Nathan Schlueter, Gerard B. Wegemer & R. V. Young - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    What were Shakespeare's final thoughts on history, tragedy, and comedy? Shakespeare's Last Plays focuses much needed scholarly attention on Shakespeare's "Late Romances." The work--a collection of newly commissioned essays by leading scholars of classical political philosophy and literature--offers careful textual analysis of Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest, All is True, and The Two Noble Kinsmen. The essays reveal how Shakespeare's thought in these final works compliments, challenges, fulfills, or transforms previously held conceptions of the playwright (...)
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  8. Book Reviews-Genetic Ethics: Do the Ends Justify the Genes?John F. Kilner, Rebecca D. Pentz, Frank E. Young & Richard Ashcroft - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (3):274-275.
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  9.  10
    Roman cyprus, valued - (e.) Hussein revaluing Roman cyprus. Local identity on an island in antiquity. Pp. XXVIII + 155, maps. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2021. Cased, £65, us$85. Isbn: 978-0-19-877778-6. [REVIEW]Young Richard Kim - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):639-641.
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  10.  9
    Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics.Kathryn Hood, Halpern E., Greenberg Carolyn Tucker, Lerner Gary & M. Richard (eds.) - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    FOREWORD. Gilbert Gottlieb and the Developmental Point of View. I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Developmental Systems, Nature-Nurture, and the Role of Genes in Behavior and Development: On the Legacy of Gilbert Gottlieb. 2. Normally Occurring Environmental and Behavioral Influences on Gene Activity: From Central Dogma to Probabilistic Epigenesis. II. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENTAL STUDY OF BEHAVIOR AND GENETICS. 3. Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Behavioral Genetics and Developmental Science. 4. Development and Evolution Revisited. 5. Probabilistic Epigenesis and Modern Behavioral and Neural (...)
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  11.  50
    William Thomas Jones: 1910- 1998.Charles M. Young - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):699-699.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:William Thomas Jones 1910–1998Charles M. YoungWilliam Thomas Jones, a friend and supporter of this journal since its inception, died on September 30, 1998, in Claremont, California, at the age of eighty-eight. Born in Natchez, Mississippi, Will was educated at Swarthmore, Oxford (as a Rhodes scholar), and Princeton. After a legendary teaching career spanning nearly fifty years, thirty-four at Pomona College and another fifteen at the California Institute of Technology, (...)
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  12.  47
    Entretiens sur Les sciences.Richard H. Popkin - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):86-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:86 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY he solved the problem of his own existence, this picture of an erudite scholar systematically and unemotionally peeling off the foibles of the learned world as the only solution for the perplexing problems of the life, seems credible and direct. Since the essay presenting it is brilliantly written, with some of Bayle's own penetrating analyses, we can be sure that it will have its day (...)
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  13. (2 other versions)MICHAEL POLANYI: CAN THE MIND BE REPRESENTED BY A MACHINE?Paul Richard Blum - 2010 - Polanyiana 19 (1-2):35-60.
    In 1949, the Department of Philosophy at the University of Manchester organized a symposium “Mind and Machine” with Michael Polanyi, the mathematicians Alan Turing and Max Newman, the neurologists Geoff rey Jeff erson and J. Z. Young, and others as participants. Th is event is known among Turing scholars, because it laid the seed for Turing’s famous paper on “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, but it is scarcely documented. Here, the transcript of this event, together with Polanyi’s original statement and (...)
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  14.  39
    Strips: A new approach to the application of theorem proving to problem solving.Richard E. Fikes & Nils J. Nilsson - 1971 - Artificial Intelligence 2 (3-4):189-208.
  15.  30
    On Thinking about Aristotle's "Thought".James E. Ford - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (3):589-596.
    An adequate approach to any of Aristotle's qualitative parts of tragedy must be grounded in an understanding of their hierarchical ranking within the Poetics. Any "whole" must present "a certain order in its arrangement of parts" ,1 and in a drama each part is "for the sake of" the one "above" it. Contrary to Rosenstein's formulation, for instance, the Aristotelian view is that character as a form "concretizes" and individualizes thought as matter. Rosenstein's question as to whether "these . . (...)
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  16.  79
    Philosophical grounds of rationality: intentions, categories, ends.Richard E. Grandy & Richard Warner (eds.) - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    H.P. Grice is known principally for his influential contributions to the philosophy of language, but his work also includes treatises on the philosophy of mind, ethics, and metaphysics--much of which is unpublished to date. This collection of original essays by such philosophers as Nancy Cartwright, Donald Davidson, Gilbert Harman, and P.F. Strawson demonstrates the unified and powerful character of Grice's thoughts on being, mind, meaning, and morals. An introductory essay by the editors provides the first overview of Grice's work.
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  17.  13
    Macro-operators: A weak method for learning.Richard E. Korf - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 26 (1):35-77.
  18.  27
    Real-time heuristic search.Richard E. Korf - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (2-3):189-211.
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    Disjoint pattern database heuristics.Richard E. Korf & Ariel Felner - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 134 (1-2):9-22.
  20. Consciousness as higher-order thoughts: Two objections.Richard E. Aquila - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1):81-87.
  21.  70
    Bioethics and conflicts of interest.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (1):155-165.
    Bioethics has been subject to considerable social criticism in recent years. One criticism that has caused particular discomfort in the bioethics community is that bioethicists, because of the way their work is funded, are involved in profound conflicts of interest that undermine their title to be considered independent moral commentators on developments in biomedicine and biotechnology. This criticism draws its force from the assumption that bioethics is, or ought to be, a type of normative social criticism. Versions of this criticism (...)
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  22.  26
    Learning and executing generalized robot plans.Richard E. Fikes, Peter E. Hart & Nils J. Nilsson - 1972 - Artificial Intelligence 3 (C):251-288.
  23.  28
    Having less means wanting more: Children hold an intuitive economic theory of diminishing marginal utility.Richard E. Ahl, Emma Cook & Katherine McAuliffe - 2023 - Cognition 234 (C):105367.
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  24.  47
    Positive heuristics in evolutionary biology.Richard E. Michod - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (1):1-36.
  25. (1 other version)Free choice and the human brain.Richard E. Passingham & Hakwan C. Lau - 2004 - In Susan Pockett (ed.), Does consciousness cause behaviour? Mit Press. pp. 53-72.
  26.  80
    Some remarks about logical form.Richard E. Grandy - 1974 - Noûs 8 (2):157-164.
  27.  56
    The use of statistical heuristics in everyday inductive reasoning.Richard E. Nisbett, David H. Krantz, Christopher Jepson & Ziva Kunda - 1983 - Psychological Review 90 (4):339-363.
  28. Stuff and things.Richard E. Grandy - 1975 - Synthese 31 (3-4):479 - 485.
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  29.  70
    Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind.Richard E. Aquila - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 (1):159-170.
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  30.  27
    Review of Richard E. Flathman: Toward a Liberalism.[REVIEW]Richard E. Flathman - 1992 - Ethics 102 (4):865-867.
  31. Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgment.Richard E. Nisbett & Lee Ross - 1980 - Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall.
  32.  12
    Multi-player alpha-beta pruning.Richard E. Korf - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (1):99-111.
  33.  63
    On the transfer of fitness from the cell to the multicellular organism.Richard E. Michod - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (5):967-987.
    The fitness of any evolutionary unit can be understood in terms of its two basic components: fecundity (reproduction) and viability (survival). Trade-offs between these fitness components drive the evolution of life-history traits in extant multicellular organisms. We argue that these trade-offs gain special significance during the transition from unicellular to multicellular life. In particular, the evolution of germ–soma specialization and the emergence of individuality at the cell group (or organism) level are also consequences of trade-offs between the two basic fitness (...)
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  34.  78
    Kant's Theory of A Priori Knowledge (review).Richard E. Aquila - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (2):267-268.
    Richard E. Aquila - Kant's Theory of A Priori Knowledge - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.2 267-268 Book Review Kant's Theory of A Priori Knowledge Robert Greenberg. Kant's Theory of A Priori Knowledge. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2001. Pp. ix + 278. Cloth, $45.00. This is one of the deepest and most carefully reasoned books on Kant I have read. It is a book for the scholar of the (...)
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  35. Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics.Richard E. Palmer - unknown
    Husserl's marginal remarks in Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik clearly do not reflect the same intense effort to penetrate Heidegger's thought that we find in his marginal notes in Sein und Zeit. Merely in terms of length, Husserl's comments in the published German text occupy only one-third the number of pages.2 Pages 1-5, 43-121, and 125-1673 contain no reading marks at all-over half of the 236 pages of KPM. This suggests that Husserl either read these pages with no intention (...)
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  36.  69
    Anadic logic and English.Richard E. Grandy - 1976 - Synthese 32 (3-4):395 - 402.
  37.  31
    Incentives, Nudges and the Burden of Proof in Ethical Argument.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (3):137-137.
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  38.  25
    Review of Richard E. FLATHMAN: Willful Liberalism[REVIEW]Richard E. Flathman - 1993 - Ethics 104 (1):178-179.
  39.  35
    The Behavioral Level of Emotional Intelligence and Its Measurement.Richard E. Boyatzis - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  40. The Evolutionary Origin of Complex Features.Richard E. Lenski - 2003 - 423 (May):139–144.
    A long-standing challenge to evolutionary theory has been whether it can explain the origin of complex organismal features. We examined this issue using digital organisms—computer programs that self-replicate, mutate, compete and evolve. Populations of digital organisms often evolved the ability to perform complex logic functions requiring the coordinated execution of many genomic instructions. Complex functions evolved by building on simpler functions that had evolved earlier, provided that these were also selectively favoured. However, no particular intermediate stage was essential for evolving (...)
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  41.  31
    The weak truth table degrees of recursively enumerable sets.Richard E. Ladner & Leonard P. Sasso - 1975 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 8 (4):429-448.
  42.  12
    (1 other version)Gadamer and Confucius: Some Possible Affinities.Richard E. Palmer - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (5):81-93.
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  43. (1 other version)Telling more than we can know: Verbal reports on mental processes.Richard E. Nisbett & Timothy D. Wilson - 1977 - Psychological Review 84 (3):231-59.
    Reviews evidence which suggests that there may be little or no direct introspective access to higher order cognitive processes. Ss are sometimes unaware of the existence of a stimulus that importantly influenced a response, unaware of the existence of the response, and unaware that the stimulus has affected the response. It is proposed that when people attempt to report on their cognitive processes, that is, on the processes mediating the effects of a stimulus on a response, they do not do (...)
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  44.  13
    Thomas Hobbes: Skepticism, Individuality, and Chastened Politics.Richard E. Flathman - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    As its subtitle 'Skepticism, Individuality and Chastened Politics' indicates, this book is an exploration of and a largely favorable engagement with salient elements in the thinking of a theorist who is widely regarded as the greatest Anglophone political thinker and among the top rank of philosophical writers generally. In emphazing Hobbes's skepticism, Richard Flathman goes against the grain of much of the literature concerning Hobbes. The theme of individuality is more familiar, particularly from the celebrated writings on Hobbes by (...)
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  45.  27
    (1 other version)Law and the perils of philosophical grafts.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics Recent Issues 44 (1):72-72.
    Charles Foster and Jonathan Herring are to be congratulated on their useful presentation of the roles played by concepts of personhood and identity in English medical law. 1 However, I fear that the project they have undertaken here is misconceived. It is an interesting and important misconception, which is widely shared in the literature on medical law and ethics; but a misconception it remains. The problem is this. What we call ‘the Law’ is in fact a complex assemblage of institutions, (...)
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  46.  30
    Depth-first iterative-deepening.Richard E. Korf - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 27 (1):97-109.
  47.  56
    Mitotic recursively enumerable sets.Richard E. Ladner - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (2):199-211.
  48.  28
    On fitness and adaptedness and their role in evolutionary explanation.Richard E. Michod - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (2):289-302.
  49.  8
    Time complexity of iterative-deepening-A∗.Richard E. Korf, Michael Reid & Stefan Edelkamp - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 129 (1-2):199-218.
  50. Truth and Historicity.Richard Campbell, Lawrence E. Johnson, Luiz F. Moreno, Dorothy Grover, Anil Gupta & Nuel Belnap - 1992 - Studia Logica 53 (4):582-586.
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